
HLF Tip Visual Tests

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(function() { 'use strict'; if (window.guard && !guard.isNavigatorSupported) { return; } require.config({ baseUrl: '../', paths: { hlf: 'dist', test: 'tests/js' } }); define(['test/base', 'hlf/tip'], function(base, Tip) { let tests = []; const { createVisualTest, placeholderText, runVisualTests } = base;


Basic test with the default settings. Tip should entirely follow mouse. Tip size should change when switching between links.

Note: contextElement also needs to be passed in, and it should be an ancestor element of all trigger elements.

tests.push(createVisualTest({ label: 'by default', template({ placeholderText }) { return ( `<p> <a class="trigger" title="link details" href="javascript:">tooltip trigger</a> &middot; <a class="trigger" title="${placeholderText.short}" href="javascript:">tooltip trigger</a> &middot; <a class="trigger" title="${placeholderText.long}" href="javascript:">tooltip trigger</a> </p>` ); }, test(testElement) { let triggerElements = testElement.querySelectorAll('[title]'); let tip = Tip.extend(triggerElements, { contextElement: testElement }); }, anchorName: 'default', className: 'default-call', vars: { placeholderText }, }));

Snapping Vertically

Snapping tooltips are created via the snapTo option. This one should snap to an appropriate x position, along the y axis and the trigger's most fitting edge (left or right). Here it should snap to the right.

Also note the append button and each new item automatically becoming a trigger.

tests.push(createVisualTest({ label: 'snapping with a list', template({ itemCount, placeholderText }) { let itemsHtml = ''; [...Array(itemCount)].forEach((_, i) => { itemsHtml += ( `<li> <a class="trigger" title="This is list item ${i + 1} in detail." href="javascript:">tooltip trigger</a> </li>` ); }); return ( `<ul class="list"> ${itemsHtml} </ul>` ); }, footerHtml: `<button name="list-append">load more</button>`, beforeTest(testElement) { const { vars } = this; createVisualTest.setupAppendButton({ testElement, listSelector: '.list', onAppend(newElement) { vars.itemCount += 1; let triggerElement = newElement.querySelector('[title]'); triggerElement.title = triggerElement.title.replace(/\d/, vars.itemCount); }, }); }, test(testElement) { let triggerElements = (contextElement) => (contextElement.querySelectorAll('[title]')); let tip = Tip.extend(triggerElements, { contextElement: testElement, snapTo: 'y' }); }, anchorName: 'snapping-vertically', className: 'list-call', vars: { itemCount: 3, placeholderText }, }));

Snapping Horizontally

Change the snapTo value from y to x, and this one should snap to an appropriate y position, along the trigger's top or bottom edge.

tests.push(createVisualTest({ label: 'snapping with a bar', template({ itemCount, placeholderText }) { let itemsHtml = ''; [...Array(itemCount)].forEach((_, i) => { itemsHtml += ( `<a class="trigger" title="This is bar item ${i + 1} in detail." href="javascript:">tooltip trigger</a>` ); }); return ( `<nav class="bar"> ${itemsHtml} </nav>` ); }, test(testElement) { let triggerElements = testElement.querySelectorAll('[title]'); let tip = Tip.extend(triggerElements, { contextElement: testElement, snapTo: 'x' }); }, anchorName: 'snapping-horizontally', className: 'bar-call', vars: { itemCount: 3, placeholderText }, }));

A Model Use Case

The above examples could suffice with Bootstrap tooltip or others. Snap and shift behavior without redundantly toggling appearance really makes a difference when hovering over a grid of small individual content pieces, ie. avatar images.

tests.push(createVisualTest({ label: 'snapping with a grid', template({ itemCount }) { let itemsHtml = ''; [...Array(itemCount)].forEach((_, i) => { itemsHtml += ( `<li> <img src="resources/avatar.png" alt="This is avatar ${i + 1} in detail."> </li>` ); }); return ( `<ul class="grid"> ${itemsHtml} </ul>` ); }, test(testElement) { let triggerElements = testElement.querySelectorAll('[alt]'); let tip = Tip.extend(triggerElements, { contextElement: testElement, snapTo: 'x' }); }, anchorName: 'a-model-use-case', className: 'grid-call', vars: { itemCount: 24 }, }));

Corner Cases

Base tips also anchor themselves to the trigger based on available space. Here we change the snapTo value to trigger to lock the tip into place and prevent mouse following.

tests.push(createVisualTest({ label: 'snapping to corners', template({ placeholderText }) { return ( `<div class="box" style="height:6em"> <a class="trigger edge top right" title="${placeholderText.short}" href="javascript:"> top right corner </a> <a class="trigger edge bottom left" title="${placeholderText.short}" href="javascript:"> bottom left corner </a> <a class="trigger edge bottom right" title="${placeholderText.short}" href="javascript:"> bottom right corner </a> </div>` ); }, test(testElement) { let triggerElements = testElement.querySelectorAll('[title]'); let tip = Tip.extend(triggerElements, { contextElement: testElement, snapTo: 'trigger' }); }, anchorName: 'corner-cases', className: 'corners-call', vars: { placeholderText }, })); runVisualTests(tests); }); }());