
HLF Tip Extension

Styles | Tests

The base tip plugin does several things. It does basic parsing of trigger element attributes for the tip content. It can anchor itself to a trigger by selecting the best direction. It can follow the cursor. It toggles its appearance by fading in and out and resizing, all via configurable animation options. It can display custom tip content. It uses the hlf.hoverIntent event extension to prevent over-queueing of appearance handlers. Last, the tip object attaches to the context element. It acts as tip for the the current jQuery selection via event delegation.

The extended snapTip plugin extends the base tip. It allows the tip to snap to the trigger element. And by default the tip locks into place. But turn on only one axis of snapping, and the tip will follow the mouse only on the other axis. For example, snapping to the x-axis will only allow the tip to shift along the y-axis. The x will remain constant.

(function(root, attach) {
  • When AMD, register the attacher as an anonymous module.
  • When Node or Browserify, set module exports to the attach result.
  • When browser globals (root is window), Just run the attach function.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['hlf/core', 'hlf/hover-intent'], attach); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = attach(require('hlf/core'), require('hlf/hover-intent')); } else { attach(HLF, HLF.HoverIntent); } })(this, function(HLF, HoverIntent) { 'use strict';


  • debug toggles debug logging for all instances of an extension.
  • toPrefix helps to namespace when registering any DOM names.
  • attrName, className, eventName, varName helpers are all attached to the class statically, along with the extend method.

The extension's defaults are available as reference. Also note that the extension instance gets extended with the options.

  • cursorHeight is the browser's cursor height. We need to know this to properly offset the tip to avoid cases of cursor-tip-stem overlap.

  • defaultDirection is used as a tie-breaker when selecting the best direction. Note that the direction data structure must be an array of string components, and conventionally with 'top'/'bottom' first.

  • hasListeners can allow events hlftipawake and hlftipwaking, hlftipasleep and hlftipsleeping to be triggered from the trigger elements. This is off by default to improve performance.

  • hasStem can be turned off to omit rendering the stem and accounting for it during layout.

  • snapTo when set allows the tip to first snap to or along the trigger before mouse tracking. Null by default. Values can also be 'x', 'y', 'trigger'.

  • template should return interpolated HTML. Its context is the extension instance.

  • toggleDelay delays the tip's waking or sleeping under normal cases. It defaults to 0.7 seconds.

  • triggerContent can be the name of the trigger element's attribute or a function providing custom content when given the trigger element.

  • viewportElement is the element in which the tip must fit. It is not the context element, which by convention contains the triggers.

  • Note: the majority of presentation state logic is in the extension stylesheet. We update the presentation state by using className.

To summarize the implementation, given existing elements in a contextElement, a tip element is created and configured via _renderElement and attached to viewportElement. The extension will initially _updateTriggerElements, which effectively _updateTriggerAnchoring and _updateTriggerContent.

HoverIntent event listeners are added to element via _toggleElementEventListeners with the _onContentElementMouseEnter and _onContentElementMouseLeave handlers, and to contextElement via _toggleTriggerElementEventListeners with the _onTriggerElementMouseEnter, _onTriggerElementMouseLeave, and _onTriggerElementMouseMove handlers. Aside from _onTriggerElementMouseMove mostly wrapping _updateElementPosition, the handlers mostly wrap wake and sleep, which _toggleElement in a locking and delayed approach per _updateState, _toggleCountdown, toggleDelay to avoid the tip having short lifespans or thrashing its CSS-animated appearance.

_updateCurrentTriggerElement calls are also typical during these actions and involve updating tip anchoring and size (via _getElementSize). And the _contextObserver is manually set up with the _onContextMutation handler that _updateTriggerElements and also updates elements lists.

wake will also _updateElementPosition, which holds the majority of the tip positioning logic but offloads to _getStemSize and _getTriggerOffset (and thereby _withStealthRender) as needed. The current positioning implementation uses offset(Height|Width|Left|Top), getBoundingClientRect, getComputedStyle, etc. to simply calculate the offset, factoring in snapTo. The offset is applied to the tip as a CSS translate transform.

class Tip { static get debug() { return true; } static get defaults() { return { cursorHeight: 12, defaultDirection: ['bottom', 'right'], hasListeners: false, hasStem: true, snapTo: null, template() { let stemHtml = this.hasStem ? `<div class="${this.className('stem')}"></div>` : ''; return ( `<div class="${this.className('inner')}"> ${stemHtml} <div class="${this.className('content')}"></div> </div>` ); }, toggleDelay: 700, triggerContent: null, viewportElement: document.body, }; } static toPrefix(context) { switch (context) { case 'event': return 'hlftip'; case 'data': return 'hlf-tip'; case 'class': return 'tips'; case 'var': return 'tip'; default: return 'hlf-tip'; } } constructor(elements, options, contextElement) { this.elementHoverIntent = null; this.hoverIntent = null; this._currentTriggerElement = null; this._sleepingPosition = null; this._state = null; this._stemSize = null; this._toggleCountdown = null; } init() { this.element = document.createElement('div'); this._updateState('asleep'); this._renderElement(); this._toggleContextMutationObserver(true); this._toggleElementEventListeners(true); this._toggleTriggerElementEventListeners(true); this._updateTriggerElements(); } deinit() { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); this._toggleContextMutationObserver(false); this._toggleElementEventListeners(false); this._toggleTriggerElementEventListeners(false); } get isAsleep() { return this._state === 'asleep'; } get isSleeping() { return this._state === 'sleeping'; } get isAwake() { return this._state === 'awake'; } get isWaking() { return this._state === 'waking'; } get snapToTrigger() { return this.snapTo === 'trigger'; } get snapToXAxis() { return this.snapTo === 'x'; } get snapToYAxis() { return this.snapTo === 'y'; } sleep({ triggerElement, event }) { if (this.isAsleep || this.isSleeping) { return; } this._updateState('sleeping', { event }); this.setTimeout('_toggleCountdown', this.toggleDelay, () => { this._toggleElement(false, () => { this._updateState('asleep', { event }); }); }); } wake({ triggerElement, event }) { this._updateCurrentTriggerElement(triggerElement); if (this.isAwake || this.isWaking) { return; } let delayed = !this.isSleeping; if (!delayed) { this.debugLog('staying awake'); } this._updateState('waking', { event }); this.setTimeout('_toggleCountdown', (!delayed ? 0 : this.toggleDelay), () => { this._toggleElement(true, () => { this._updateState('awake', { event }); }); if ( !== this._contentElement) { this._updateElementPosition(triggerElement, event); } }); }

_getElementSize does a stealth render via _withStealthRender to find tip size. It returns saved data if possible before doing a measure. The measures, used by _updateTriggerAnchoring, are stored on the trigger as namespaced, width and height data-attributes. If on, contentOnly will factor in content padding into the size value for the current size.

_getStemSize does a stealth render via _withStealthRender to find stem size. The stem layout styles will add offset to the tip content based on the tip direction. Knowing the size helps operations like overall tip positioning.

_isTriggerDirection deduces if element has the given directionComponent, which is true if it has the classes or if there is no triggerElement or saved direction value, and directionComponent is part of defaultDirection.

_updateTriggerContent comes with a very simple base implementation that supports the common title and alt meta content for an element. Support is also provided for the triggerContent option. We take that content and store it into a namespaced content data-attribute on the trigger.

_getElementSize(triggerElement, { contentOnly } = {}) { let size = { height: triggerElement.getAttribute(this.attrName('height')), width: triggerElement.getAttribute(this.attrName('width')), }; if (!size.height || !size.width) { this._updateElementContent(triggerElement); this._withStealthRender(() => { triggerElement.setAttribute(this.attrName('height'), (size.height = this.element.offsetHeight)); triggerElement.setAttribute(this.attrName('width'), (size.width = this.element.offsetWidth)); }); } if (contentOnly) { const { paddingTop, paddingLeft, paddingBottom, paddingRight } = getComputedStyle(this._contentElement); size.height -= parseFloat(paddingTop) + parseFloat(paddingBottom); size.width -= parseFloat(paddingLeft) + parseFloat(paddingRight); } return size; } _getStemSize() { let size = this._stemSize; if (size != null) { return size; } let stemElement = this.selectByClass('stem', this.element); if (!stemElement) { size = 0; } else { this._withStealthRender(() => { let margin = getComputedStyle(stemElement).margin.replace(/0px/g, ''); size = Math.abs(parseInt(margin)); }); } this._stemSize = size; return size; } _getTriggerOffset(triggerElement) { const { position } = getComputedStyle(triggerElement); if (position === 'fixed' || position === 'absolute') { const triggerRect = triggerElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const viewportRect = this.viewportElement.getBoundingClientRect(); return { left: triggerRect.left - viewportRect.left, top: -, }; } else { return { left: triggerElement.offsetLeft, top: triggerElement.offsetTop }; } } _isTriggerDirection(directionComponent, triggerElement) { if (this.element.classList.contains(this.className(directionComponent))) { return true; } if ( (!triggerElement || !triggerElement.hasAttribute(this.attrName('direction'))) && this.defaultDirection.indexOf(directionComponent) !== -1 ) { return true; } return false; } _onContextMutation(mutations) { let newTriggerElements = []; const allTriggerElements = Array.from(this.querySelector(this.contextElement)); mutations.forEach((mutation) => { let triggerElements = Array.from(mutation.addedNodes) .filter(n => n instanceof HTMLElement) .map((n) => { let result = this.querySelector(n); return result.length ? result[0] : n; }) .filter(n => allTriggerElements.indexOf(n) !== -1); newTriggerElements = newTriggerElements.concat(triggerElements); }); this._updateTriggerElements(newTriggerElements); this.elements = this.elements.concat(newTriggerElements); this.hoverIntent.elements = this.elements; } _onContentElementMouseEnter(event) { this.debugLog('enter tip'); let triggerElement = this._currentTriggerElement; if (!triggerElement) { return; } this.wake({ triggerElement, event }); } _onContentElementMouseLeave(event) { this.debugLog('leave tip'); let triggerElement = this._currentTriggerElement; if (!triggerElement) { return; } this.sleep({ triggerElement, event }); } _onTriggerElementMouseEnter(event) { this.wake({ triggerElement:, event }); } _onTriggerElementMouseLeave(event) { this.sleep({ triggerElement:, event }); } _onTriggerElementMouseMove(event) { const { target } = event; if (target.classList.contains(this.className('trigger'))) { this._updateCurrentTriggerElement(target); } if ( this.isAsleep || !this._currentTriggerElement || ( target !== this._currentTriggerElement && target !== this._currentTriggerElement.parentElement ) ) { return; } this._updateElementPosition(this._currentTriggerElement, event); } _renderElement() { if (this.element.innerHTML.length) { return; } this.element.innerHTML = this.template(); this.element.classList.add( this.className('tip'), this.className('follow'), this.className('hidden'), ...( ); this._contentElement = this.selectByClass('content', this.element); this.viewportElement.insertBefore(this.element, this.viewportElement.firstChild); if (this.snapTo) { this.element.classList.add(this.className((() => { if (this.snapToTrigger) { return 'snap-trigger'; } else if (this.snapToXAxis) { return 'snap-x-side'; } else if (this.snapToYAxis) { return 'snap-y-side'; } })())); } } _toggleContextMutationObserver(on) { if (!this._contextObserver) { this._contextObserver = new MutationObserver(this._onContextMutation); } if (on) { const options = { childList: true, subtree: true }; this._contextObserver.observe(this.contextElement, options); } else { this._contextObserver.disconnect(); } } _toggleElement(visible, completion) { if (this._toggleAnimation) { return; } const duration = this.cssVariableDuration('toggle-duration', this.element); let { classList, style } = this.element; classList.toggle(this.className('visible'), visible); if (visible) { classList.remove(this.className('hidden')); } this.setTimeout('_toggleAnimation', duration, () => { if (!visible) { classList.add(this.className('hidden')); style.transform = 'none'; } completion(); }); } _toggleElementEventListeners(on) { if (this.elementHoverIntent || !on) { this.elementHoverIntent.remove(); this.elementHoverIntent = null; } if (on) { this.elementHoverIntent = HoverIntent.extend(this._contentElement); } const { eventName } = HoverIntent; let listeners = {}; listeners[eventName('enter')] = this._onContentElementMouseEnter; listeners[eventName('leave')] = this._onContentElementMouseLeave; this.toggleEventListeners(on, listeners, this._contentElement); } _toggleTriggerElementEventListeners(on) { if (this.hoverIntent || !on) { this.hoverIntent.remove(); this.hoverIntent = null; } if (on) { const { contextElement } = this; this.hoverIntent = HoverIntent.extend(this.elements, { contextElement }); } const { eventName } = HoverIntent; let listeners = {}; listeners[eventName('enter')] = this._onTriggerElementMouseEnter; listeners[eventName('leave')] = this._onTriggerElementMouseLeave; listeners[eventName('track')] = this._onTriggerElementMouseMove; this.toggleEventListeners(on, listeners, this.contextElement); } _updateCurrentTriggerElement(triggerElement) { if (triggerElement == this._currentTriggerElement) { return; } this._updateElementContent(triggerElement); let contentSize = this._getElementSize(triggerElement, { contentOnly: true }); = `${contentSize.height}px`; = `${contentSize.width + 1}px`; // Give some buffer. let { classList } = this.element; let compoundDirection = triggerElement.hasAttribute(this.attrName('direction')) ? triggerElement.getAttribute(this.attrName('direction')).split(' ') : this.defaultDirection; let directionClassNames =; if (!directionClassNames.reduce((memo, className) => { return memo && classList.contains(className); }, true)) { this.debugLog('update direction class', compoundDirection); classList.remove(...(['top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left'].map(this.className))); classList.add(...directionClassNames); } this._currentTriggerElement = triggerElement; } _updateElementContent(triggerElement) { const content = triggerElement.getAttribute(this.attrName('content')); this._contentElement.textContent = content; } _updateElementPosition(triggerElement, event) { let cursorHeight = this.snapTo ? 0 : this.cursorHeight; let offset = { left: event.detail.pageX, top: event.detail.pageY }; if (this.snapTo) { // Note vertical directions already account for stem-size. let triggerOffset = this._getTriggerOffset(triggerElement); if (this.snapToXAxis || this.snapToTrigger) { =; if (this._isTriggerDirection('bottom', triggerElement)) { += triggerElement.offsetHeight; } if (!this.snapToTrigger) { offset.left -= this.element.offsetWidth / 2; } } if (this.snapToYAxis || this.snapToTrigger) { offset.left = triggerOffset.left; if (!this.snapToTrigger) { if (this._isTriggerDirection('right', triggerElement)) { offset.left += triggerElement.offsetWidth + this._getStemSize(); } else if (this._isTriggerDirection('left', triggerElement)) { offset.left -= this._getStemSize(); } -= this.element.offsetHeight / 2 + this._getStemSize(); } } } if (this._isTriggerDirection('top', triggerElement)) { -= this.element.offsetHeight + this._getStemSize(); } else if (this._isTriggerDirection('bottom', triggerElement)) { += cursorHeight * 2 + this._getStemSize(); } if (this._isTriggerDirection('left', triggerElement)) { offset.left -= this.element.offsetWidth; if (this.element.offsetWidth > triggerElement.offsetWidth) { offset.left += triggerElement.offsetWidth; } } = `translate(${offset.left}px, ${}px)`; } _updateState(state, { event } = {}) { if (state === this._state) { return; } if (this._state) { if (state === 'asleep' && !this.isAsleep) { return; } if (state === 'awake' && !this.isWaking) { return; } } this._state = state; this.debugLog(state); if (this.hasListeners && this._currentTriggerElement) { this._currentTriggerElement.dispatchEvent( this.createCustomEvent(this._state) ); } if (this.isAsleep || this.isAwake) { if (this._currentTriggerElement) { this._currentTriggerElement.setAttribute( this.attrName('has-tip-focus'), this.isAwake ); } if (this.hoverIntent) { this.hoverIntent.configure({ interval: this.isAwake ? 100 : 'default' }); } } else if (this.isSleeping) { this._sleepingPosition = { x: event.detail.pageX, y: event.detail.pageY }; } else if (this.isWaking) { this._sleepingPosition = null; } } _updateTriggerAnchoring(triggerElement) { let offset = this._getTriggerOffset(triggerElement); let height = triggerElement.offsetHeight; let width = triggerElement.offsetWidth; let tip = this._getElementSize(triggerElement); this.debugLog({ offset, height, width, tip }); const viewportRect = this.viewportElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let newDirection = => { let edge, fits; if (d === 'bottom') { fits = (edge = + height + tip.height) && edge <= viewportRect.height; } else if (d === 'right') { fits = (edge = offset.left + tip.width) && edge <= viewportRect.width; } else if (d === 'top') { fits = (edge = - tip.height) && edge >= 0; } else if (d === 'left') { fits = (edge = offset.left - tips.width) && edge >= 0; } else { fits = true; } this.debugLog('check-direction-component', { d, edge }); if (!fits) { if (d === 'bottom') { return 'top'; } if (d === 'right') { return 'left'; } if (d === 'top') { return 'bottom'; } if (d === 'left') { return 'right'; } } return d; }); triggerElement.setAttribute(this.attrName('direction'), newDirection.join(' ')); } _updateTriggerContent(triggerElement) { const { triggerContent } = this; let content; if (typeof triggerContent === 'function') { content = triggerContent(triggerElement); } else { let contentAttribute; let shouldRemoveAttribute = true; if (triggerElement.hasAttribute(triggerContent)) { contentAttribute = triggerContent; } else if (triggerElement.hasAttribute('title')) { contentAttribute = 'title'; } else if (triggerElement.hasAttribute('alt')) { contentAttribute = 'alt'; shouldRemoveAttribute = false; } else { return console.error('Unsupported trigger.'); } content = triggerElement.getAttribute(contentAttribute); if (shouldRemoveAttribute) { triggerElement.removeAttribute(contentAttribute); } } triggerElement.setAttribute(this.attrName('content'), content); } _updateTriggerElements(triggerElements) { if (!triggerElements) { triggerElements = this.elements; } triggerElements.forEach((triggerElement) => { triggerElement.classList.add(this.className('trigger')); this._updateTriggerContent(triggerElement); this._updateTriggerAnchoring(triggerElement); }); } _withStealthRender(fn) { if (getComputedStyle(this.element).display !== 'none') { return fn(); } this.swapClasses('hidden', 'visible', this.element); = 'hidden'; let result = fn(); this.swapClasses('visible', 'hidden', this.element); = 'visible'; return result; } } HLF.buildExtension(Tip, { autoBind: true, compactOptions: true, mixinNames: ['css', 'event', 'selection'], }); Object.assign(HLF, { Tip }); return Tip; });