
HLF Media Grid Extension

Styles | Tests

The MediaGrid extension, inspired by the Cargo Voyager design template, can expand an item inline without affecting the position of its siblings. The extension tries to add the minimal amount of DOM elements and styles. So the layout rules are mostly defined in the styles, and initial html for items is required (see the tests for an example). The extension also handles additional effects like focusing on the expanded item and dimming its siblings.

(function(root, attach) {
  • When AMD, register the attacher as an anonymous module.
  • When Node or Browserify, set module exports to the attach result.
  • When browser globals (root is window), Just run the attach function.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['hlf/core'], attach); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = attach(require('hlf/core')); } else { attach(HLF); } })(this, function(HLF) { 'use strict';


  • debug toggles debug logging for all instances of an extension.
  • toPrefix helps to namespace when registering any DOM names.
  • attrName, className, eventName, varName helpers are all attached to the class statically, along with the extend method.

The extension's defaults are available as reference. Also note that the extension instance gets extended with the options.

  • autoReady is false by default, as recommended. Turning it on means the ready event gets triggered immediately, synchronously, and is only recommended if your grid doesn't have images and such that require a wait before being fully loaded and sized. Otherwise, you can manually load and use createPreviewImagesPromise to help determine when to do so.

  • resizeDelay is the millis to wait for window resizing to stop before doing a re-layout. 100 is the default to balance responsiveness and performance.

  • undimDelay is the millis to wait before removing the dim effect when focus is toggled off on an expanded item.

  • Note: the majority of presentation state logic is in the extension stylesheet. We update the presentation state by using className.

To summarize the implementation, on a DOM that's already created, the extension, given the element, will select the itemElements and sampleItemElement, as well as parse the expandDuration. The extension will wait for content to load before doing an initial layout via _updateMetrics and _layoutItems. eventListeners are added automatically with the _onMouseLeave and _onItemExpand handlers that toggleItemFocus. _toggleItemEventListeners runs for each item to add _onItemClick, and _onItemMouseEnter and _onItemMouseLeave that respectively toggleItemExpansion and toggleExpandedItemFocus. The _onWindowResize handler is automatically set up to _reLayoutItems. And the _itemsObserver is manually set up with the _onItemsMutation handler that _toggleItemEventListeners and also _reLayoutItems. Once ready, the respective namespaced event is dispatched from and class is added to the element.

class MediaGrid { static get debug() { return false; } static get defaults() { return { autoReady: false, resizeDelay: 100, undimDelay: 1000, }; } static toPrefix(context) { switch (context) { case 'event': return 'hlfmg'; case 'data': return 'hlf-mg'; case 'class': return 'mg'; case 'var': return 'mg'; default: return 'hlf-mg'; } } constructor(element, options) { this.eventListeners = { mouseleave: this._onMouseLeave }; this.eventListeners[this.eventName('expand')] = this._onItemExpand; } init() { if (!this.itemElements) { this._selectItemElements(); } this.itemElements.forEach(this._toggleItemEventListeners.bind(this, true)); this.sampleItemElement = this.itemElements[0]; this.expandDuration = this.cssDuration('transitionDuration', this.sampleItemElement); this.expandedItemElement = null; this._itemsObserver = new MutationObserver(this._onItemsMutation); this._itemsObserver.connect = () => { this._itemsObserver.observe(this.element, { childList: true }); }; this.metrics = {}; if (this.autoReady) { this.load(); } } deinit() { this.itemElements.forEach(this._toggleItemEventListeners.bind(this, false)); this._itemsObserver.disconnect(); } createPreviewImagesPromise() { const selector = `.${this.className('preview')} img`; const imageElements = Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll(selector)); let teardownTasks = []; return Promise.all( => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { element.addEventListener('load', resolve); element.addEventListener('error', reject); teardownTasks.push(() => { element.removeEventListener('load', resolve); element.removeEventListener('error', reject); }); }))).then(() => { teardownTasks.forEach(task => task()); }, () => { teardownTasks.forEach(task => task()); }); } load() { this._updateMetrics({ hard: true }); this._layoutItems(); this._itemsObserver.connect(); this.element.classList.add(this.className('ready')); this.dispatchCustomEvent('ready'); }

toggleItemExpansion basically toggles the -expanded class on the given itemElement to expanded and triggers the expand event. To allow styling or scripting during the transition, it adds the -transitioning, -contracting, and -expanding classes and removes them afterwards per expandDuration.

toggleExpandedItemFocus wraps toggleItemFocus to factor in undimDelay when toggling off focus. Focusing dims without delay.

toggleItemFocus basically toggles the -focused class on the given itemElement to focused and the -dimmed class on the root element after any given delay.

_getMetricSamples returns cloned itemElement and expandedItemElement mainly for calculating initial metrics. For them to have the right sizes, they're attached to an invisible container appended to the root element.

_layoutItems occurs once metrics is updated. With the latest wrapWidth and wrapHeight metrics, the root element is resized. Each element in itemElements gets its position style set to absolute non- destructively; this method assumes the original is float, and so iterates in reverse.

_reLayoutItems wraps _layoutItems to be its idempotent version by first resetting each item's to its original-position.

_toggleNeighborItemsRecessed toggles the -recessed class on items per the occlusion-causing expansion of the item at index.

_updateMetrics builds the metrics around item and wrap as well as row and column sizes. It does so by measuring sample elements and their margins, as well as sizing the wrap (root element) to fit its items. As such, this method isn't idempotent and expects to be followed by a call to _layoutItems.

toggleItemExpansion(itemElement, expanded, completion) { if (typeof expanded === 'undefined') { expanded = !( itemElement.classList.contains(this.className('expanded')) || itemElement.classList.contains(this.className('expanding')) ); } let index = this.itemElements.indexOf(itemElement); if (expanded) { if (this.expandedItemElement) { this.toggleItemExpansion(this.expandedItemElement, false); } if (this._isRightEdgeItem(index)) { this._adjustItemToRightEdge(itemElement); } if (this._isBottomEdgeItem(index)) { this._adjustItemToBottomEdge(itemElement); } } this._toggleNeighborItemsRecessed(index, expanded); itemElement.classList.remove( this.className('expanding'), this.className('contracting') ); let classNames = [ this.className('transitioning'), this.className(expanded ? 'expanding' : 'contracting') ]; itemElement.classList.add(...classNames); this.setElementTimeout(itemElement, 'expand-timeout', this.expandDuration, () => { itemElement.classList.remove(...classNames); itemElement.classList.toggle(this.className('expanded'), expanded); if (completion) { completion(); } }); this.expandedItemElement = expanded ? itemElement : null; itemElement.dispatchEvent(this.createCustomEvent('expand', { expanded })); } toggleExpandedItemFocus(itemElement, focused) { if (!itemElement.classList.contains(this.className('expanded'))) { return; } let delay = focused ? 0 : this.undimDelay; this.toggleItemFocus(itemElement, focused, delay); } toggleItemFocus(itemElement, focused, delay = 0) { if (focused) { this.itemElements.forEach((itemElement) => { itemElement.classList.remove(this.className('focused')); }); } itemElement.classList.toggle(this.className('focused'), focused); this.setTimeout('_dimTimeout', delay, () => { this.element.classList.toggle(this.className('dimmed'), focused); }); } _onItemClick(event) { const actionElementTags = ['a', 'audio', 'button', 'input', 'video']; if (actionElementTags.indexOf( !== -1) { return; } this.toggleItemExpansion(event.currentTarget); } _onItemExpand(event) { const { target } = event; if (!this._isItemElement(target)) { return; } const { expanded } = event.detail; this.toggleItemFocus(target, expanded, this.expandDuration); } _onItemMouseEnter(event) { this.toggleExpandedItemFocus(event.currentTarget, true); } _onItemMouseLeave(event) { this.toggleExpandedItemFocus(event.currentTarget, false); } _onItemsMutation(mutations) { let addedItemElements = mutations .filter(m => !!m.addedNodes.length) .reduce((allElements, m) => { let elements = Array.from(m.addedNodes).filter(this._isItemElement); return allElements.concat(elements); }, []); addedItemElements.forEach(this._toggleItemEventListeners.bind(this, true)); this._itemsObserver.disconnect(); this._reLayoutItems(() => { addedItemElements[0].scrollIntoView(); }); this._itemsObserver.connect(); } _onMouseLeave(_) { if (!this.expandedItemElement) { return; } this.toggleItemFocus(this.expandedItemElement, false); } _onWindowResize(_) { this._reLayoutItems(); } _isItemElement(node) { return (node instanceof HTMLElement && node.classList.contains(this.className('item'))); } _selectItemElements() { this.itemElements = Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll( `.${this.className('item')}:not(.${this.className('sample')})` )); } _toggleItemEventListeners(on, itemElement) { this.toggleEventListeners(on, { 'click': this._onItemClick, 'mouseenter': this._onItemMouseEnter, 'mouseleave': this._onItemMouseLeave, }, itemElement); } _adjustItemToBottomEdge(itemElement) { let { style } = itemElement; = 'auto'; style.bottom = '0px'; } _adjustItemToRightEdge(itemElement) { let { style } = itemElement; style.left = 'auto'; style.right = '0px'; } _getMetricSamples() { let containerElement = this.selectByClass('samples'); if (containerElement) { containerElement.parentNode.removeChild(containerElement); } let itemElement = this.sampleItemElement.cloneNode(true); itemElement.classList.add(this.className('sample')); let expandedItemElement = this.sampleItemElement.cloneNode(true); expandedItemElement.classList.add( this.className('expanded'), this.className('sample') ); containerElement = document.createElement('div'); containerElement.classList.add(this.className('samples')); let { style } = containerElement; style.left = style.right = = '0px'; style.position = 'absolute'; style.visibility = 'hidden'; style.zIndex = 0; containerElement.appendChild(itemElement); containerElement.appendChild(expandedItemElement); this.element.appendChild(containerElement); return { itemElement, expandedItemElement }; } _isBottomEdgeItem(i) { const { rowSize } = this.metrics; let lastRowSize = (this.itemElements.length % rowSize) || rowSize; let untilLastRow = this.itemElements.length - lastRowSize; return (i + 1) > untilLastRow; } _isRightEdgeItem(i) { return ((i + 1) % this.metrics.rowSize) === 0; } _layoutItems() { Array.from(this.itemElements).reverse().forEach((itemElement) => { if (!itemElement.hasAttribute(this.attrName('original-position'))) { itemElement.setAttribute(this.attrName('original-position'), getComputedStyle(itemElement).position); } let { offsetLeft, offsetTop, style } = itemElement; style.position = 'absolute'; style.left = `${offsetLeft}px`; = `${offsetTop}px`; }); let { style } = this.element; style.width = `${this.metrics.wrapWidth}px`; style.height = `${this.metrics.wrapHeight}px`; } _reLayoutItems(completion) { if (this.expandedItemElement) { this.toggleItemExpansion(this.expandedItemElement, false, () => { this._reLayoutItems(completion); }); return; } this._selectItemElements(); this._updateMetrics(); this.itemElements.forEach((itemElement) => { let { style } = itemElement; style.bottom = style.left = style.right = = 'auto'; style.position = itemElement.getAttribute(this.attrName('original-position')); itemElement.classList.remove(this.className('raw')); }); this._layoutItems(); if (completion) { completion(); } } _toggleNeighborItemsRecessed(index, recessed) { const { expandedScale, rowSize } = this.metrics; let dx = this._isRightEdgeItem(index) ? -1 : 1; let dy = this._isBottomEdgeItem(index) ? -1 : 1; let level = 1; let neighbors = []; while (level < expandedScale) { neighbors.push( this.itemElements[index + level * dx], this.itemElements[index + level * dy * rowSize], this.itemElements[index + level * (dy * rowSize + dx)] ); level += 1; } neighbors.filter(n => !!n).forEach((itemElement) => { itemElement.classList.toggle(this.className('recessed')); }); } _updateMetrics({ hard } = { hard: false }) { if (hard) { const { itemElement, expandedItemElement } = this._getMetricSamples(); this.metrics = { itemWidth: itemElement.offsetWidth, itemHeight: itemElement.offsetHeight, expandedWidth: expandedItemElement.offsetWidth, expandedHeight: expandedItemElement.offsetHeight, expandedScale: parseInt(this.cssVariable('item-expanded-scale')), }; } let gutter = Math.round(parseFloat( getComputedStyle(this.sampleItemElement).marginRight )); let fullWidth = this.metrics.itemWidth + gutter; let fullHeight = this.metrics.itemHeight + gutter; let { style } = this.element; style.height = style.width = 'auto'; let rowSize = parseInt(((this.element.offsetWidth + gutter) / fullWidth)); let colSize = Math.ceil(this.itemElements.length / rowSize); Object.assign(this.metrics, { gutter, rowSize, colSize }, { wrapWidth: fullWidth * rowSize, wrapHeight: fullHeight * colSize, }); } } HLF.buildExtension(MediaGrid, { autoBind: true, autoListen: true, compactOptions: true, mixinNames: ['css', 'selection'], }); Object.assign(HLF, { MediaGrid }); return MediaGrid; });