
HLF Hover Intent Extension


The HoverIntent extension normalizes DOM events associated with mouse enter and leave interaction. It prevents the 'thrashing' of attached behaviors (ex: non-cancel-able animations) when matching mouse input arrives at frequencies past the threshold. It is heavily inspired by Brian Cherne's jQuery plugin of the same name (

(function(root, attach) {
  • When AMD, register the attacher as an anonymous module.
  • When Node or Browserify, set module exports to the attach result.
  • When browser globals (root is window), Just run the attach function.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['hlf/core'], attach); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = attach(require('hlf/core')); } else { attach(HLF); } })(this, function(HLF) { 'use strict';


  • debug toggles debug logging for all instances of an extension.
  • toPrefix helps to namespace when registering any DOM names.
  • attrName, className, eventName helpers are all attached to the class statically, along with the extend method.

The extension's defaults are available as reference. Also note that the extension instance gets extended with the options.

  • interval is the millis to wait before deciding intent. 300 is the default to reduce more thrashing.

  • sensitivity is the pixel threshold for mouse travel between polling intervals. With the minimum sensitivity threshold of 1, the mouse must not move between intervals. With higher values yield more false positives. 2 is the default.

The events dispatched are the name-spaced enter and leave events. They try to match system mouse events where possible and include values for: pageX, pageY, relatedTarget.

To summarize the implementation, the _onMouseOver handler is the start of the intent 'life-cycle', with state being the default (via _resetState). It records the mouse coordinates, sets up a delayed intent check, which is one of the possible updates done by _updateState, and is based on the distance traveled since _timeout was set. All event handlers guard against unneeded checking, with _onMouseOut and _onMouseOver also using _checkEventElement as a filter.

Meanwhile, about every frame, the _onMouseMove handler tracks the current mouse coordinates. If the _onMouseOut handler runs before the delayed check, the check and subsequent behavior get canceled as state resets to default. Otherwise, if the check of the stored mouse coordinates against sensitivity passes, an enter event gets dispatched, ensuring a leave event will too during _onMouseOut.

class HoverIntent { static get debug() { return true; } static get defaults() { return { interval: 300, sensitivity: 2, }; } static toPrefix(context) { switch (context) { case 'event': return 'hlfhi'; case 'data': return 'hlf-hi'; default: return 'hlf-hi'; } } constructor(elementOrElements, options, contextElement) { this.eventListeners = { 'mousemove': this._onMouseMove, 'mouseout': this._onMouseOut, 'mouseover': this._onMouseOver, }; } init() { this._resetState(); } deinit() { this._resetState(); } _checkEventElement(event) { const { relatedTarget, target, type } = event; if (type === 'mouseout' && target.contains(relatedTarget)) { return false; } if (this.contextElement) { if (Array.from(this.elements).indexOf(target) === -1) { return false; } //this.debugLog(target, relatedTarget); } else { if (target !== this.rootElement) { return false; } } return true; } _dispatchHoverEvent(on, event) { const { mouse: { x, y } } = this; const { pageX, pageY, relatedTarget, target } = event; let type = on ? 'enter' : 'leave'; target.dispatchEvent(this.createCustomEvent(type, { pageX: (x.current == null) ? pageX : x.current, pageY: (y.current == null) ? pageY : y.current, relatedTarget })); this.debugLog(type, pageX, pageY, % 100000); } _dispatchTrackEvent(event) {'track', { pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY, })); } _onMouseMove(event) { this._updateState(event); requestAnimationFrame((_) => { if (this.intentional) { this.debugLog('track', event.pageX, event.pageY); } this._dispatchTrackEvent(event); }); } _onMouseOut(event) { if (!this._checkEventElement(event)) { return; } if (this.intentional) { this._dispatchHoverEvent(false, event); } this._resetState(); this.debugLogGroup(false); } _onMouseOver(event) { if (this.intentional) { return; } if (this._timeout) { return; } if (!this._checkEventElement(event)) { return; } this.debugLogGroup(); this._updateState(event); this.setTimeout('_timeout', this.interval, () => { this._updateState(event); if (this.intentional) { this._dispatchHoverEvent(true, event); } }); } _resetState() { this.debugLog('reset'); this.intentional = false; this.mouse = { x: { current: null, previous: null }, y: { current: null, previous: null }, }; this.setTimeout('_timeout', null); } _updateState(event) { const { pageX, pageY } = event; if (event.type === 'mousemove') { let { mouse: { x, y } } = this; x.current = pageX; y.current = pageY; return; } let { mouse: { x, y } } = this; if (!this._timeout) { x.previous = pageX; y.previous = pageY; return; } const { pow, sqrt } = Math; let dMove; this.intentional = x.current == null || y.current == null; if (!this.intentional) { dMove = sqrt( pow(x.current - x.previous, 2) + pow(y.current - y.previous, 2) ); this.intentional = dMove > this.sensitivity; } this.debugLog('checked', dMove); } } HLF.buildExtension(HoverIntent, { autoBind: true, autoListen: true, compactOptions: true, }); Object.assign(HLF, { HoverIntent }); return HoverIntent; });