
HLF Extensions Core


The extensions core provides shared functionality for extension classes to reduce boilerplate around common tasks. Static methods like extend and helpers as added, and instance methods are mixed onto the prototype.

(function(root, namespace) {
  • When AMD, register the attacher as an anonymous module.
  • When Node or Browserify, set module exports to the attach result.
  • When browser globals (root is window), Just run the attach function.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(namespace); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = namespace(); } else { window.HLF = namespace(); } })(this, function() { 'use strict';


  • The debug flag here toggles debug logging for everything in the library that doesn't have a custom debug flag in its namespace.

  • toPrefix is mainly for extension namespacing. For now, its base form is very simple.

  • debugLog in its base form just wraps around console.log and links to the debug flag. However, debugLog conventionally becomes a no-op if the debug flag is off.

let HLF = { debug: true, toPrefix() { return 'hlf'; }, }; HLF.debugLog = (HLF.debug === false) ? function(){} : (console.log.bind ? console.log.bind(console) : console.log);


Further binding state and functionality to DOM elements is a common task that should be abstracted away, with common patterns and conventions. Also, instead of extension subclasses inheriting from a base class, the extensionClass is extended upon based on build options. This method will add a static extend factory method for extension instances. How instances are built is configurable via options.

buildExtension will decorate the class with additional mixins if fitting. If the class has a static init method, it will be called.

extend ultimately returns a new extension instance for a subject and any options. It will:

  1. Parse the subject to be either element or elements. If it is a function, invoke and save the original function as a querySelector option. See _parseSubject.

  2. Check if element has options set in its root data attribute. If so, merge those options into options.

    If the compactOptions option is toggled, options will be merged into the instance. This makes accessing options more convenient, but can cause conflicts with larger existing APIs that don't account for such naming conflicts, since we don't handle conflicts here. Else, the options is added as an instance property. See _assignOptions.

  3. Also decide the rootElement based on the situation. If the contextElement option has a value, that element will be the root, so several elements all 'share' the same extension instance. Add the root class to the decided rootElement before initialization. All element values are attached onto the instance as properties.

  4. If the autoBind option is toggled, bind the class' own methods onto the instance. See _bindMethods.

  5. If the autoListen option is toggled, call the addEventListeners method (ie. via event mixin), to set up element event listening before initialization. The eventListeners property must be set. Cleanup is automatic. If _onWindowResize and resizeDelay are defined, a listener with the handler will be added to the window resize event, with calls throttled per the delay. See _listen.

  6. If the autoSelect option is toggled, call the selectToProperties method (ie. via selection mixin), to set up element references before initialization.

  7. If an init method is provided, call it. Convention is to always provide it.

_mixins is an internal general mixin collection for writing DOM extensions. Mixins either required or opt-in via the mixinNames build option. They are applied via _mix. Some mixins are factory methods requiring certain parameters.

  • css, sugar around accessing element style property values.

  • debug, mostly the debugLog method, and will return no-op depending on the debug flag value.

  • event, sugar around mass-listening to rootElement events and dispatching custom rootElement events.

  • naming, allows namespacing an attrName, className, eventName, or varName.

  • options, mostly the configure method, which allows updating options after initialization.

  • remove, mostly the remove method, which calls the deinit method if provided. Convention is to always provide it for proper resource cleanup.

  • selection, sugar around selecting rootElement descendants and selecting to properties based on selectors.

  • timing, sugar around clearTimeout, setTimeout to allow named, stored timeouts.

function buildExtension(extensionClass, options) { const { defaults } = extensionClass; const { autoBind, autoListen, autoSelect, compactOptions } = options; const optionGroupNames = ['classNames', 'selectors'].filter(name => name in defaults); Object.assign(extensionClass, { extend(subject, options = {}) { let { element, elements } = _parseSubject(subject, options); let { contextElement: context } = options; let root = (context || element); root.classList.add(this.className()); options = _assignOptions(options, defaults, optionGroupNames, root.getAttribute(this.attrName()) ); let instance = new this( element || elements, Object.assign({}, options), context ); instance._setUpCleanupTasks(); Object.assign(instance, compactOptions ? options : { options }); Object.assign(instance, { element, elements, contextElement: context, rootElement: root, }); if (autoBind) { _bindMethods(instance, { properties: this.prototype }); } if (autoListen) { _listen(instance); } if (autoSelect) { instance.selectToProperties(); } if (instance.init) { instance.init(); } return instance; }, }); _mix(extensionClass, options, optionGroupNames); if (extensionClass.init) { extensionClass.init(); } } function _assignOptions(options, defaults, groupNames, attribute) { if (attribute) { try { Object.assign(options, JSON.parse(attribute)); } catch (error) {} } options = Object.assign({}, defaults, options); groupNames.forEach((g) => options[g] = Object.assign({}, defaults[g], options[g])); return options; } function _bindMethods(object, { context, properties }) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties || object) .filter(name => typeof object[name] === 'function' && name !== 'constructor') .forEach(name => object[name] = object[name].bind(context || object)); } function _listen(instance) { if (!instance.addEventListeners || !instance.eventListeners) { throw 'Missing requirements.'; } const { eventListeners } = instance; _bindMethods(eventListeners, { context: instance }); instance.addEventListeners(eventListeners); instance._cleanupTasks.push(() => { instance.removeEventListeners(eventListeners); }); if (instance._onWindowResize && instance.resizeDelay) { let ran, { _onWindowResize } = instance; instance._onWindowResize = function(event) { if (ran && < ran + this.resizeDelay) { return; } ran =;, event); }.bind(instance); window.addEventListener('resize', instance._onWindowResize); instance._cleanupTasks.push(() => { window.removeEventListener('resize', instance._onWindowResize); }); } } const _mixins = {}; _mixins.css = { cssDuration(name, element) { if (!element) { element = this.rootElement; } return 1000 * parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element)[name]); }, cssVariable(name, element) { if (!element) { element = this.rootElement; } return getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(this.varName(name)); }, cssVariableDuration(name, element) { return 1000 * parseFloat(this.cssVariable(name, element)); }, swapClasses(nameFrom, nameTo, element) { if (!element) { element = this.rootElement; } element.classList.remove(this.className(nameFrom)); element.classList.add(this.className(nameTo)); }, }; _mixins.debug = (debug, toPrefix) => (debug ? { debugLog(...args) { if (!this._hasDebugLogGroup) { args.unshift(toPrefix('log')); } HLF.debugLog(...args); }, debugLogGroup(arg) { if (arg === false) { console.groupEnd(); this._hasDebugLogGroup = false; } else { let args = [toPrefix('log')]; if (arg) { args.push(arg); }; this._hasDebugLogGroup = true; } }, } : { debugLog() {}, debugLogGroup() {}, }); _mixins.event = { addEventListeners(info, target) { target = target || this.rootElement; _normalizeEventListenersInfo(info); Object.keys(info).forEach((type) => { const [handler, options] = info[type]; target.addEventListener(type, handler, options); }); }, removeEventListeners(info, target) { target = target || this.rootElement; _normalizeEventListenersInfo(info); Object.keys(info).forEach((type) => { const [handler, options] = info[type]; target.removeEventListener(type, handler, options); }); }, toggleEventListeners(on, info, target) { this[`${on ? 'add' : 'remove'}EventListeners`](info, target); }, createCustomEvent(type, detail) { let initArgs = { detail }; initArgs.bubbles = true; return new CustomEvent(this.eventName(type), initArgs); }, dispatchCustomEvent(type, detail = {}) { return this.rootElement.dispatchEvent(this.createCustomEvent(type, detail)); }, }; _mixins.naming = (toPrefix) => ({ attrName(name = '') { if (name.length) { name = `-${name}`; } return `data-${toPrefix('data')}${name}`; }, className(name = '') { if (name.length) { name = `-${name}`; } return `js-${toPrefix('class')}${name}`; }, eventName(name) { return `${toPrefix('event')}${name}`; }, varName(name) { return `--${toPrefix('var')}-${name}`; }, }); _mixins.options = (defaults, groupNames) => ({ configure(options) { Object.keys(options).forEach((name) => { if (name in this || (this.options && name in this.options)) { return; } delete options[name]; throw 'Not an existing option.'; }); let store = this.options || this; Object.keys(options).filter(name => options[name] === 'default').forEach((name) => { options[name] = defaults[name]; delete store[name]; }); groupNames.forEach((name) => { store[name] = Object.assign({}, store[name], options[name]); delete options[name]; }); Object.assign(store, options); }, }); _mixins.remove = { remove() { this._cleanupTasks.forEach(task => task(this)); if (this.deinit) { this.deinit(); } }, _setUpCleanupTasks() { this._cleanupTasks = []; }, }; _mixins.selection = { selectByClass(name, element) { if (!element) { element = this.rootElement; } return element.querySelector(`.${this.className(name)}`); }, selectAllByClass(name, element) { if (!element) { element = this.rootElement; } return element.querySelectorAll(`.${this.className(name)}`); }, selectToProperties() { const selectors = this.options ? this.options.selectors : this.selectors; if (!this.rootElement || !selectors) { throw 'Missing requirements.'; } Object.keys(selectors).forEach((name) => { const selector = selectors[name]; if (name.substr(-1) === 's') { this[name] = this.rootElement.querySelectorAll(selector); } else { this[name] = this.rootElement.querySelector(selector); } }); }, }; _mixins.timing = { setElementTimeout(element, name, duration, callback) { name = this.attrName(name); if (element.getAttribute(name)) { clearTimeout(element.getAttribute(name)); } let timeout = null; if (duration != null && callback) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { callback(); element.removeAttribute(name); }, duration); } if (timeout) { element.setAttribute(name, timeout); } else { element.removeAttribute(name); } }, setTimeout(name, duration, callback) { if (this[name]) { clearTimeout(this[name]); } let timeout = null; if (duration != null && callback) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { callback(); this[name] = null; }, duration); } this[name] = timeout; }, }; function _mix(extensionClass, options, optionGroupNames) { const { debug, defaults, toPrefix } = extensionClass; Object.assign(extensionClass, _mixins.naming(toPrefix)); let { autoListen, autoSelect, mixinNames: names } = options, flags = {}; Object.keys(_mixins).forEach(n => flags[n] = false); (names || []).concat('debug', 'naming', 'options', 'remove', 'timing') .forEach(n => flags[n] = true); if (autoListen) { flags.event = true; } if (autoSelect) { flags.selection = true; } names = Object.keys(flags).filter(n => flags[n]); Object.assign(extensionClass.prototype, => { let mixin = _mixins[name]; if (typeof mixin === 'function') { if (name === 'debug') { mixin = mixin(debug, toPrefix); } else if (name === 'naming') { mixin = mixin(toPrefix); } else if (name === 'options') { mixin = mixin(defaults, optionGroupNames); } else { mixin = mixin(); } } return mixin; })); } function _normalizeEventListenersInfo(info) { Object.keys(info).forEach((type) => { if (typeof info[type] !== 'function') { return; } info[type] = [info[type]]; }); } function _parseSubject(subject, options) { let element, elements; if (subject instanceof HTMLElement) { element = subject; } else if (typeof subject === 'function') { Object.assign(options, { querySelector: subject }); return _parseSubject(subject(options.contextElement), options); } else { elements = Array.from(subject); } return { element, elements }; } Object.assign(HLF, { buildExtension }); if (HLF.debug && typeof window === 'object') { Object.assign(window, { HLF }); } return HLF; });